Storytelling, Drama, and Music - In Deaf culture, storytelling, music, and drama skills are highly valued. Up until now, students have been introduced to various signs, mouth morphemes, non-manual markers, and a plethora of classifiers. Storytelling can be combined with other art forms. The fruit born by the vital, contemporary storytelling movement includes developing ways to combine storytelling with drama, music, and dance. This class will be provided opportunities to identify basic ASL storytelling techniques. They will be introducing key elements used in ASL storytelling, music, and drama to show how to adapt literature so that one can present an ASL version of a story. Students in this class participate in the Winter and Spring Concerts and are REQUIRED to participate in the MOST trip.
There is no required text; however, the instructor will provide copies of necessary material as handouts for that particular class concept.
Successful completion of ASL I, II, & III, or permission granted by the ASL Teacher
Parents are responsible for purchasing all textbooks and supplies before the first day of class.
KEYS will invoice supply fees at the time of registration and class selection. This fee covers materials, lab supplies, and other expenses incurred by the teacher. It is a one-time fee, transferable until August, but non-refundable.
Please note the grade level for this class. Students younger than the recommended grade levels need special permission before signing up for the class. Please contact the office for more information.
What happens if a class is full? You may email to be waitlisted.